Monday, April 8, 2019

You have come so far

You have started to learn to let go of worries, of control, of things that were harming you, and began to believe and trust that everything will all come together like a beautiful woven work of art.
It has not been an easy road but it has helped you to open your eyes to what this life has to offer and what it can be, even while you are surrounded by uncertainty, sadness, or hardship. You have kept giving it your all as you start to see things great and small come together, even in those times when you feel like the things you do are in vain or don’t know what to do. But know that you are constantly surrounded, wrapped, with the grace that is giving you strength that is helping you to breathe every day as you keep going.

Remember you are where you are where you are meant to be even though sometimes it doesn’t feel like it, especially in the season of waiting, and one day you will look back and see how everything came together in beautiful ways that you were not expecting and how many things you would have never imagined came to be.

Focus on the fact that you were then and still are now being guided by a bright loving light. This will help and make it easier to keep going and walking your path, whether it is through desserts, winding roads, dark forests, sunny valleys, or steep mountains because you are surrounded with Grace and God at your side the whole time. Remind yourself of this, specially on those days where you feel week, drained, or like you don’t have the courage you need or the skills and tools to accomplish what has been placed before you.  Just keep going, even if you feel like you are not going as fast as others around you, its ok, it is not a reflection of your worth or what you are capable of. Just remember there is a greatness inside of you that is not meant to be compared to anyone else’s in this Earthly journey. Everything you have been through, are going though, or will be going through will be molding and shaping you in the most beautiful way.

This journey we call life is hard enough, so please don’t be so hard on yourself, remember to be kind to yourself whether you have achieved everything you thought you would by now, planned to, or wherever you are in this beautiful journey. Open your arms, allow yourself to receive all the grace that is lovingly and freely sent your way, and remember it is not merit based or earned, so take a long deep breath and ask God for help to reveal to you that light that has always been shinning on you, in you, and around you. No matter your flaws let His endless, boundless, unmerited, glorious grace meet you where you are and give you the strength you need moment by moment as you walk your path.
I hope and pray that you open your eyes, let this bight light in, allow yourself to be filled with love, to be guided, to trust, and to be humble and willing to keep receiving this gift of grace that is always available to you as you walk this path and wait for what is to come.