Monday, June 4, 2018

Have many interests...

My little one,

 As you know I have been blessed with the opportunity to explore many of my interests in my life from surfing to horseback riding, from law degrees to culinary, from fashion to painting, from psychology to photography, from writing to EMT, from hiking to scuba diving, and I am constantly finding new interests to learn about...

 I used to be self conscious when people would comment on all the different things I have done in my life. For some reason our society pushes us into a very narrow box of specializing and dedicating yourself to only one thing and if you don't then you are a failure. But I have come to learn that actually when your are a "jack of all trades" you end up being a more rounded person, you gain knowledge that is vital, different ways to problem solve, your horizons expand. I can honestly say that I have truly lived life, I have explored, experimented, and learned new skills that have helped me develop emotionally and intellectually.

I really believe our souls speak to us and guide us through all the things that peek our interest, what we dream of doing, learning about, and exploring. Our souls guide us to those things for a reason, if your heart yearns for it it's because there are vital skills we are meant to learn, its guiding us on our path, helping us find the reason why we are here in the world. When we follow that call we find peace, joy, and fulfillment.

Unless you try different things, explore all your interests, you will live in a very narrow frame of reference. It will only lead to a life of resentment, bitterness, dry, and constant un-ease, you soul will be wrestles. How do I know that? because I have been there and I have witnessed it with many successful people I have met.  When this happens we tend to comment on how life feels like groundhog day over and over, monotonous, something in life is missing, we feel empty. We are feeling those things is because we are are starving our souls, we are too focused on making a living ... not truly living. We forget what our passions are, what light us up. We are not exploring our interests- the things that make us curious, learn, study, try, learning and growing. If that ever happens you have to honest with yourself by asking what are the things you find interesting and are curious about? what do you love? what did you used to love when you were a kid? what did/do you dream about? what did/do you find fascinating? what can you talk about for hours? what lights you up and energizes you? what can you do for hours and hours?

The choice is yours, you can choose to stay in an unhappy rut or you can choose to nourish your soul by going after what you love and exploring new things. Start by reading on what ever interest you (gardening, photography, cooking, etc) ask experts on the field, observe, put in hours of practice, and experiment, learn as you go. And it is quite interesting how when you are excited and learning about something, God places people and more experiences in your life to teach you and guide you. Some times that passion can turn into a career too.

How do you find your passions? by exploring, and sometimes you will explore hobbies and you will realize they were not your thing, but that is ok. Please don't see it as wasting your time, a failure or a mistake, but for what it really was, a learning experience, it gave you new skills, new perspectives, new ways to approach and solve problems, it opened your mind, it gave you new knowledge and it made you a more interesting person over all by adding new depths. You will have a deeper understanding of life than you would have had if you had not tried it. We can make all areas of our lives richer and fuller, there is not one area that doesn't benefit.

So my little one, I want to urge you to try different interests and listen to your soul, one thing will lead to another, it will open new windows. There is not such thing as too many interests, we become alive when we learn and explore things we love. We as living things, find pleasure in the process of discovering what excite us, by going after what we find stimulating. Go explore, watch the world open up, your life to become full and exciting and remember if your soul longs for it its for a reason!

With love,

your mama

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